On behalf of the residents of Silver Springs Garden Homes, we welcome you to our community. We trust you will greatly enjoy living here and becoming an active member of our community.

We hold Board meetings, open to all residents, annually. Under Arizona law, it is an open meeting. The only thing to remember is that this is a meeting of the Board to conduct HOA business. IF you have business you believe should come before the Board, please submit it in writing to the Secretary or President at least one week before the scheduled meeting, so it can be put on the agenda, then the Board can consider the suggestion. Following the formal Board meeting, owners are invited to discuss matters of concern to them, with the plan that these items can be put on the agenda for the next board meeting.

Every homeowner who has purchased a home in the Silver Springs Garden Homes neighborhood is a Member of the Silver Springs Garden Homes Homeowners Association and has legally agreed to abide by these documents (By-laws, CC&Rs and Association Rules). The homeowner is also legally responsible for ensuring that all of their guests and tenants (if applicable) abide by these same rules.  Please keep in mind that there is no street parking between the hours of 11pm to 6am.

Nominations for and election of new Board members take place at the annual meeting OR through a Nominating Committee. Your active involvement in this process helps make this a very desirable community. We urge you to consider becoming a Board member or active on of the committees, such as the architectural or social committee.

We have community potlucks several times a year. You are invited to participate, as it is a great way to meet your neighbors and develop new friendships. Notices as to when they will happen are distributed about a month in advance. Usually they are in the spring and fall. A community garage sale happens twice a year, again in the spring and fall. Advance notice of the sale is given a month or so before its scheduled date.

The current Board and contact information is listed on the Contact Us page.

We hope you enjoy living here, as we strive to continue making Silver Springs Garden Homes an extremely desirable place for everyone to reside. Let any one of the Board members know if there is something that should be brought to the Board's attention because it concerns our community.

SSGH wall sign1
Silver Springs
Garden Homes
Homeowner Association

      © 2023  Silver Springs Garden Homes HOA 2023         Site created by Kym Citera          Site last updated: 06/30/2024

The Silver Springs Garden Homes organization is private housing and not open to the general public. Please note our street Parking rules.